$80 to $150 an HOUR
In Just 90 Days, YOU Can Become A Certified Practitioner of The Spontaneous Transformation Technique
This Is Your Chance To Quickly Heal Your Clients & Attract Referrals
As They Experience Miraculous, Spontaneous Healing...
Get Certified in Jennifer McLean’s Spontaneous Transformation Technique & Grow Your Healing Biz
From the Desk of: Jennifer McLean

Date: January 23, 2017

Dear Healers,

There is a profound healing power and set of refined frequencies found within the Spontaneous Transformation Technique.

These frequencies and the technique itself are here for you to advance your personal healing.

AND on this page, you will be able to contribute to the healing of others through a profitable, "for-good" healing business.

Every time you apply this technique, there is a true change in yourself and now, there will be deep transformation for your clients AND the Planet.

So... you asked for it, and it’s here...

On this page is your chance to become a Certified Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) Practitioner!

But it's only available for a very limited time at this very reduced price point.

This Level 1 Certification  Course will allow those of you in the Spontaneous Transformation Training Program to receive deeper, more meaningful training.

This enables you to take this proven modality into a therapeutic setting and support your clients.

AND the advanced training will deliver SIX more advanced STT Attunement Frequencies.

This STT Certified Practitioner Course is here for you...
If you're wanting to earn a solid income as an STT Practitioner & Healer
If you've been seeking a deeper philosophy, instruction and insight on this remarkable system of healing that delivers even more confidence in your healing abilities
If you want the advanced attunements and healing frequencies which attract more in your life... and more clients!
This program consists of a live weekend workshop (streaming or in-person) and 6 online audio workshops. So, within just 90 days, you could be certified and growing your healing business!
Partner With Me To Truly Heal The Planet Person-By-Person
I’m sure you’ve noticed that the planet appears to be in a state of dis-ease, divisiveness, and confusion now more than ever.

While pain is felt by everyone at some point in time, some are forced to grapple with the world's darkest challenges...

Disease, abuse, infidelity, poverty, addiction, murder, war, greed, and more...

The suffering, can be overwhelming.

For many, the crippling challenges come in varying and more personal packages...

Obesity, unsatisfied living, listlessness, plus family and relationship problems, which all become roadblocks on the path to happy and fulfilling life.

I believe, if you are reading these words, you are being called to a new level of service to address today's suffering...

Perhaps you're being called to be an even more profound healer and coach.

...To deliver a new level of more potent yet easy-to-digest support to those in pain.

As you tap into the challenges that are seemingly eveywhere you look...

 ...You might also have a conscious awareness of a new paradigm in healing approach that is needed to cope with these current circumstances.

....A new healing paradigm that is fearless, effective, non-threatening and REALLY, REALLY WORKS!

You have the chance right now to contribute deeply and show your clients the hope and healing awaiting them.

I’m looking for healers who want to increase their income and start their own practice while creating a powerful "greater good" for all.

I’m looking for a few good men and women who can spread this potent Spontaneous Transformation healing system...

And show others that personal transformation is not only possible, it can also be instantaneous!

I need seekers like you to partner with me to heal the planet person-by-person.

I know you are someone who wants to make THE difference in the lives of those around you and the world as a whole... you wouldn't be on this page if you weren't.

With you sharing the Spontaneous Transformation Technique and receiving an income, in turn, you are helping rebuild your life and the souls you support.

And with each person healed, our world gets one step closer to harmony, happiness, and peace.
A New Healing Paradigm Is Needed
These extreme times require a modality of healing that can reach as many as possible.

A system that can accelerate healing beyond anything previously available.

A process that is also safe, non-threatening, easy-to-learn and easier to use.

Something that goes to the absolute core and yet gently unwinds, unravels and heals the old beliefs, patterns, traumas,  PTSD, addictions and the deepest pain and suffering... 

Creating a whole new paradigm of healed, clear, confident being...

Birthing a brand a new energy that may never before been present.

That is why I know the world is ready for the Spontaneous Transformation Technique; it meets all of these criteria.

In turn, I’ve also had psychics, mediums, numerologists, and astrologers ALL share with me that now is THE TIME for this special healing modality to be offered to the world in much bigger ways.

AND, they have shared I would attract like-souls, just like you, to spread this profound, simple and quickening technique to the masses.

They shared that we are SO close to achieving what famous pioneer in psychology, Carl Jung, called the collective unconscious reaching critical mass into healing and love.

This is the time. And I believe you are the person who has been called to get this out there and help heal millions in the process.

Now, in addition to this psychic, numerological, and astrological validation, I’ve personally witnessed the miraculous and unexplainable transformation of those who regularly use this process.


I have never been more committed to expanding and honoring my mission, showing each and every soul how they, too, can see, identify and wield their great light.

But I need your help to bring this miraculous healing system to a vast new audience.

I want you to join the revolution of healing and partner with me in changing this whole dang planet.
Taking Your STT Training To The NEXT Level...
At this stage, you may have already started the Spontaneous Transformation Training Course, which is the introductory and prerequisite course to learn this powerful system.

Or perhaps you've just registered for that course and are intrigued at the thought of becoming a Certified Healer in this easy-to-use discipline.

You might be working with friends and family, practicing your little heart out, and watching in astonishment as they shift and change.

I suspect, at this stage, you are anxious to move from practice sessions and begin attracting real clients into serious Spontaneous Transformation.

...And earning an income to boot.

This certification course will deliver MUCH, much more than anything you have taken to date...

You'll experience advanced, new pieces of this powerful system of healing not available in ANY other healing training on the planet.

The nuances of the specific healing arts you are about to learn will change your practice profoundly and help you to stay healthier in the process.

AND, you are about to receive increased, quantum level, off-the-charts, new STT healing attunements (no less than SIX attunements).

Plus, this is your chance to connect even deeper and more personally with me, and with this system of healing, which is creating transformative breakthroughs for all of humanity.

We will take what you learned in the STT Training Course and build on it in surprising and supportive ways.
Ignite The Spontaneous Transformation Energies
& Share Them in Your Own Coaching or Healing Practice Today
If you’re still reading this, chances are you're ready  to become an even more powerful healer.

You're likely committed to transforming your clients and even those in your world to create lasting change.

That’s why I want to give you the information you need to truly heal your clients and the world around you in the most accelerated way I've seen...

Once you’ve learned the intricacies and the underlying principles of the Spontaneous Transformation Technique as a certifiend practitioner, you’ll be ready to take this healing to the world.

The universe has conspired to make you into a healer, to add this to your coaching sessions, and/or to help you grow your practice.

This is YOUR chance to instantly transform the lives of your clients and make a good living doing it!

I am here in full support, to help you quicken the whole process, and add to your toolbox one of the most powerful methods of transformation for bringing lasting improvement to your clients in just minutes.

Imagine applying this simple technique to your healing practice?

If you are a Life or Business Coach, imagine adding this simple process to create the true healing most of your coaching clients need?

AND... For those considering becoming a healer...

I want to help you make the transformation from seeker to PAID Healer.

Are you ready to learn the principles that will help you not only more deply heal yourself, but also the world around you?

Here’s how you can...

Join Me (Jennifer McLean) For This Online Journey
and Become The Ultimate Healer In Just 90 Days
 What You Receive...
Live Workshop: 2 Days In-Person OR Live-Streamed Advanced STT Training Event
We’ll spend 2 full days together coaching, playing, experiencing Advanced Attunements and building your confidence as I work with you and coach you directly. You can either come to  Orange County California in-person or participate LIVE as we stream to your home! NOTE: Video on-demand replays will be available if you miss the live event.
SIX  2-Hour, Online/Downloadable  Audio Classes
There are 6 additional classes together.  We will pick up where we left off from the STT Training. There will be 4 online audio classes prior to our 2-day event to prepare you for the in-person/streamed time together.  You will receive new curriculum, advanced information, higher level attunements, one-on-one practice and more as I coach you. THEN there will be two more classes after our 2-day event to answer additional questions as you integrate the information and insights from the live level 1 workshop.
Find Clients Through Our STT Portal (Summer 2017)
Sometime in the first half of 2017, we will be creating a portal to showcase YOU, our Level 1 Certified Practitioners! It's a great way to attract clients and have them find you.  Imagine seeing your name as a certified practitioner on our site!
POWERFUL Worksheets + Training Content Including Starting & Growing Your Healing Business
You'll receive a set of worksheets, diagrams, and information that allow you to accelerate your STT certification training and the understanding of healing in general. The teaching style is organic, personal, and fun, enabling you to explore what STT is in your own unique and brilliant hands. There will also be downloads and transcripts of the calls to enhance your learning experience.

PLUS you will receive insights on how to start and grow your healing business from multi-million dollar success coach and wellness entrepreneur, yours truly, Jennifer McLean :)
Experience Sacred, Personal Coaching and Accelerated Training Into The Advanced Spontaneous Transformation Technique
During your time in this program, you will:
Experience me coaching your fellow STT Practitioners as they do sessions. You will see finite nuances of this system that you will immediately apply to transform your abilities in the moment.
Receive personal coaching from me as I witness you doing STT with others in our community... and you may even do an STT on me!
Experience new, sophisticated, SUPER QUANTUM ADVANCED STT Attunements to amplify your energy to new heights and capacities.
Go deeper into the energies of this system, experience the advanced energies and insights of this unique healing modality and come out a new person, and certainly a stronger practitioner in the process.
PLUS, HUGE: Uncover and access insider tips and insights into starting or expanding your healing practice.
PLUS, One-On-One STT Coaching
In our previous Certification Program, witnessing more of me administering STT in a coaching environment was most requested.

So the team and I racked our brains on how we could provide that to you.

This Level 1 Program allows you to get some “Jenn-time” in a virtual online setting.

AND in person!

Yep, you'll watch me coach and work with participants and, in the process, receive additional guidance that only witnessing this hands-on coaching would provide.

There will be opportunities to practice directly with me in the 2-day event and even on some of the online classes.

Here's the best part: you will also experience others doing STT sessions on me with startling coaching interspersed. It will totally change your perspective!

I promise you will receive exponentially more through observing the advanced coaching with another and watching them do sessions with me while receiving direct coaching...

Then applying those insights to accelerate your confidence exponentially.

We are going to quantum this shizzle WAY up!
A Note About The Livestream Option For The 2-Day Workshop...
The livestream for the 2-day workshop is unlike ANY you have EVER attended.

We have found a way for you to truly participate and work with us in the room over video.

So, while you will participate at home, and there are certainly some advantages of joining us live that you won't have at home...

On the livesteam, I promise you will feel as if you are a complete part of this experience and part of the in-person community in attendance.

You may even give me a session over the livestream! (Yep, we've figured out how to do that.)

Plus your online community will get to know one another as you chat and check in with each other throughout the weekend.

I and those attending in person will also be regularly checking in with you. There are places for you to ask questions and for us to interact.

I promise it will be a rich and lively experience for you... and you won't have to travel.
Building Your Confidence So You Can Build Your Practice
In this certification course, you won’t just learn the intricacies of the Spontaneous Transformation Technique; you will also understand what healing is... in YOUR unique hands.

And your confidence as an independent healer will exponentially grow so you can help MORE people, MORE effectively by showing you how to:
  • Grow your confidence as an individual and as a healer. This is key if you want to truly help people.
  • Communicate with your clients in a way that builds trust and helps them feel empowered.
  • Give your clients extra help and guidance if they need more support after they’ve already completed the process.
  • Easily identify the underlying problems which hold back your clients from experiencing joy, freedom, and fulfillment.
  • Speed up the process so your clients stay on track and don’t lose sight of their ultimate potential.
  • Completely dissolve all mental and emotional blocks that slow people down on their path to a greater self.
  • And more!
Just like Reiki Attunements, there is a "Spontaneous Transformation Attunement," plus additional Healing Attunements.

By registering for this program...

You will receive this and other specialized attunements (six in all)...

And you will receive this very specific energetic “key” that turns on a powerful Spontaneous Transformation energy at the practitioner level of frequency.

With this frequency moving through your being, it is now available to expand the transformation as you automatically hold this energy for your clients.

With this attunement, your voice will now convey powerful healing in transformation, encoded with this energy system with every word you speak.

Your being will pulse with these attunements, supporting your clients at deep unconscious levels.
Help You Become An Even Better Healer...
Start the certification process today and you’ll also receive:
Private Facebook Group
Induction into the Private Facebook Group where you can ask questions and get support. By learning from your peers, you can become an even better healer. $297 Value.
Official Certification Seal
A certification seal which you can use to market yourself to your clients. This will help YOU help more people. PRICELESS!
Access to Masterworks Healing Membership Site
We are going to GIVE You: Full access to the Masterworks Healing Membership Site for SIX FULL MONTHS!! (A $419 Value)!!

This means you get to interact with the leading healers, psychics, mediums, astrologers, numerologists, animal communicators, and medical intuitives EVERY Monday and Wednesday to receive support through one-on-one session work in a group environment.

You will have the opportunity to work with these powerhouses of healing and transformation to move the needle of your own personal transformation as you build your healing practice.

You will also get to work with ME and experience your own personal healing through the Spontaneous Transformation Technique ONCE A MONTH for 6 months.

Yep, this bonus will allow you to join my live Spontaneous Transformation monthly healing call as part of your MasterWorks Healing Membership.

Witness the nuances of how I use this technique...

While experiencing your own healing in the process.

WOW! I'm so excited at who you are about to become!
[NOTE: For those who are ALREADY members... we have something EXTRA special just for YOU. As a thank you for investing in your membership, paid members who register into this certification course will receive a special bonus healing and/or training call with JUST us. So it will be extremely intimate and personal!]
If You Say “Yes” Today, You Can Get The
Full Spontaneous Transformation Technique
Certification Course Plus All Of The Bonuses...
STT Certification Course Includes...
2-Day, live, in-person event or you can livestream this live event to your home
6 Evenings of Live Online Workshops
Worksheets, diagrams, checklist and organic easy-to-learn content
Transcripts of all calls to support different learning styles
Starting & Growing Your Healing Business Training & Coaching
Invitation to post on our new STT Portal to have clients find you
BONUS: SIX FULL MONTHS of access to MasterWorks Healing Membership Site
BONUS: Access to your PRIVATE STT Facebook Community
BONUS: An official STT Certification Seal to promote your certification status
STT Training Course Includes...
Access to 6 training calls to learn the principles of Spontaneous Transformation and how to pass those principles onto those you care about
Specialized Spontaneous Transformation Attunement, which will open your healing capacities
BONUS: Access to your PRIVATE STT Training Facebook Community
Your Details & Dates...
April 25 (Tuesday) 4PM California Time - Online Audio Call Workshop 1 Start
April 27 (Thursday) 4PM California Time - Online Audio Call Workshop 2 
May 1 (Tuesday) 4PM California Time - Online Audio Call Workshop 3
May 4 (Thursday) 4PM California Time - Online Audio Call Workshop 4 
May 20 & 21 (Saturday & Sunday) - 2-Day In-Person Workshop in Orange County California OR Streaming LIVE to your home
June 1 (Thursday) 4PM California Time - Online Audio Call Workshop 5
June 6 (Tuesday) 4PM California Time - Final Online Audio Call Workshop 6 
IMMEDIATE ACCESS - Receive direct access to your dial-in and webcast details for the online workshop calls and information for the 2-day in-person (or live stream) event in Orange Country California
Replays and VOD - replays, downloads and video on-demand available for all events so if you cannot make a live call you will not miss a thing!
At This Point, You Might Be Looking
At That $997 Price Tag And Thinking...
Why so inexpensive? How can I be a certified healer at THAT small level of investment...

AND in JUST 6 online audio & 2 live, in-person (OR streaming) day-long workshops?

I have a couple things to say in response to those “it’s too good to be true” fears:
  • I personally promise that, if you invest yourself in this work, if you apply everything you learn in the certification course, you’ll have the knowledge you need to help heal your clients and the world around you.
  • You will not only learn how to create a  healing business and grow it, but your energy will transform so much through the teachings, self-healing, and attunements that your attraction level will be profoundly open and expansive.
  • The modality of healing that is the Spontaneous Transformation Technique is so simple, so straightforward, that we want to keep the price at a range that just about anyone could afford.
  • AND, this technique is SO truly easy to use, it can easily be taught in just these 6 online audio workshops and the 2-day in-person (or streaming event)...
  • FINALLY, we want you out there, quickly changing lives and making a difference on the planet, so the price and timing match that commitment!
If You Say “Yes” Today, You Can Get The
Full Spontaneous Transformation Technique
Certification Course Plus All Of The Bonuses...
STT Certification Course Includes...
2-Day, live, in-person event or you can livestream this live event to your home
6 Evenings of Live Online Workshops
Worksheets, diagrams, checklist and organic easy-to-learn content
Transcripts of all calls to support different learning styles
Starting & Growing Your Healing Business Training & Coaching
Invitation to post on our new STT Portal to have clients find you
BONUS: SIX FULL MONTHS of access to MasterWorks Healing Membership Site
BONUS: Access to your PRIVATE STT Facebook Community
BONUS: An official STT Certification Seal to promote your certification status
STT Training Course Includes...
Access to 6 training calls to learn the principles of Spontaneous Transformation and how to pass those principles onto those you care about
Specialized Spontaneous Transformation Attunement, which will open your healing capacities
BONUS: Access to your PRIVATE STT Training Facebook Community
My Personal Guarantee
If, for any strange reason, you don’t feel satisfied with what you receive...

If this Spontaneous Transformation Technique Level 1 Certification Course doesn't deliver as expected...

Just let me know within 15 days of the course start date and we will completely refund your money...


Does that sound fair?

I want you to feel confident that you have the power to help others with the same miraculous method which I, and hundreds of thousands of people like you, have already used to heal themselves.

So, I’m giving you this program COMPLETELY RISK-FREE!
In deep gratitude and love,
Jennifer McLean
Healer, Speaker, Author, Wellness Entrepreneur
CEO, McLean MasterWorks
Host, Healing With The Masters
Creator, Spontaneous Transformation Technique
© 2007-2017 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by  McLean MasterWorks, 
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660 - 847-386-1464 - Customer Support

The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.