UPGRADE: Own These Attunements &  Power Healing Sessions!
There Is a Power Unfolding In You...
DOWNLOAD Your 5 Power Healing Accelerating Attunements & Your 21 Days of 30-Minute Power Healing Sessions... For Core Unwinding Again & Again
Dear Master,

For the first time on the planet, a new frequency of personal power energies is knocking at your soul’s door.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN and DOWNLOAD these powerful healing frequencies and profound sessions of transformation.

This potent series—each attunement and each personal power healing session—is here for you as a continuous support of remarkable healing.

For example...

You can use these as a  pick me up... this extraordinary healing library is here for you to access whenever you need some additional support.

...You know, when life circumstances suddenly show up and create upset and compression?

And you just need some instant, in-the-moment healing support?

Well, this potent library of refined wellness is now here waiting for you.


Imagine, in 3 months, you are being called to do another round of these attunements or adding the 21 days of Power Healings to your own practice?

On this page is your chance to upgrade and own this series.

You can download these healing audios and play them at your leisure, wherever you are.

You can listen on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, and mobile phone...

While you're walking in nature, at the gym, commuting, or as part of your meditation practice.

Owning this is important because...
You Are Waking Up
You are simply waking up.

You are being called to more.

You are a catalyst of the heart.

Now that last sentence may have just opened up a little something in you.

I sense you can feel that, too... 

How do I know you are a catalyst? Because you are reading these words.

And, I am being called to be one of many messengers for you.

I’m being asked to help move you and many souls into this awakening of the heart.

For the first time on the planet, a set of "Power Attunements" and guided Power Healing Sessions are here for you to own and download.

And it is truly ushering in...
The Birth Of The Heart
There is a new energy of sacred transformation on the planet at this time.

All of us are being asked to open to and embrace this new paradigm of evolutionary love.

It’s being presented for the first time through these distinctive attunements and healings.

I don’t know if you have been doing this too, but I have been sitting back and watching the chaos in the world.

The backlash of the old order appears to be on the rise.

I’ve even witnessed the new dogma of spirituality and a sense of us vs. them that has shown up.

Yet, from this, there is something completely different being opened up.

And, all of the backlash, the seeming attack on “what we’ve worked for,” are signs that something totally new is being birthed.

It is the birth of the heart.

It may not look like that right now... but the deepest upset and challenge often arrives just before huge transformation.

Recently I’ve been shown that there is a new “conception of love” truly happening. 

This new frequency of love is moving through a new order of individuated, awakened, heart-centered power.

This new power is within you, ready to be activated and brought into the full light of consciousness.

And, your new power is a constant movement of unwinding and change.

Having this level of healing support, downloaded and waiting on your device, on your computer, is a must in these unique times of the evolution of your very heart.  
I Went Within & Discovered How To Serve You...
As I recently watched the vitriol on Facebook, pitting friends and family against each other...

As I saw the broken hearts afraid of what’s next and what it all means...

As I witnessed the interpretation of imminent disaster and the loss of hope....

I went within.

The internal nudge directed me to create something that will show you your remarkably divine power.

I share with you today, that I’m here to stand for your heart and help you see your unique and great authority.

There is an exceptional energy within you ready to be unleashed into your life and onto the planet.

Can you sense that?

Some of those who feel the rise of this energy may be frightened... thus reacting in a seeming backlash.

Then there are those succumbing to the fear of that backlash.

You are here to supersede all of that apprehension and reaction and, instead, contribute a new energy of “power in love.”

A love that will move you and your friends and family.

And will ripple into the world in exponentially larger energies than fear ever could express.

I am here to assist you to ignite this.

This library of healing delivers the most potent transformational energy on the planet at this time...

And the guided healings you are about to experience is my contribution to you (and through you to the planet).

It is waiting for you to download and access again and again...

Especially as you are nudged into moving and evolving as life's more uncomfortable circumstances show up.
The Next Level...
This is beyond law of attraction.

This is more than just “seeing the good in them.”

This is way more than even affirmations and positive visualization.

This is the core power of love.

Love that can heal all.

Love that honors all paths.

Love that opens hearts, minds, and new conversations just by being present.

Love that remains neutral in the face of its seeming opposite.

Love that honors all motives.

Love that moves us to an evolution of the heart.

And it's SO easy... just sit back, listen and receive... that's it.

Listen and let the attunements do their work in love.

Experience the 21 healing sessions and the energy and intentions to deliver your love power.

That's all there is to it.

Download and listen...  have this library, delivering some of the most potent healings on the planet, always at hand, waiting for you.
Your Power Healing Programs
Download Your 5 Days Of Power Healing Attunements...
Own all 5 Power Healing Attunements... Forever.

Attunements are like Reiki in that these powerful healing energy “keys” move into your field to unlock dormant energy within.

These are YOUR energy keys and come from YOU, through me, to you.

These Power Attunements are finally available for the first time on the planet.

These sacred energies are here for the evolution of your soul and all of humanity.

These attunements are ready to come through at this point in time on earth, and on your soul's journey.

You are ready for these and are, in fact, calling these through me to you.

Can you sense the potency of your Power Attunements?

They are here waiting for your attention on them.

These remarkable potent healing attunements will always be available for you, whenever you need the support.

AND, know that each time you experience your Power Healing Attunements, by accessing your downloads on your various devices, a new level of activation and expansion opens up for you.
DOWNLOAD Your 21 Days of Power Healing Sessions Habit-Changer...
This is your chance to download and own these 21 sacred healing sessions... and revisit the power over and over.

Following the 5 days of your activated Power Attunements, there are 21 days of Power Healing Sessions.

There are several ways you can use these 21 days...

One way is to just access a new power healing session each morning for 21 days.

You can do these 21 days continuously, building and building the healing energies, unwinding and unwinding the old.

Another way is to do a binge of several of these healing sessions in a row.

And yet one more way is, some intuitively tap into the session that is most needed delivering healing for an acute circumstance that just showed up.

Whatever feels right is perfect.

But knowing these are always here waiting for you is powerful support in itself.

These 21 days of healing incorporate my Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT), which rapidly sweeping the globe, being shared through our hundreds of certified practitioners.

STT is a gentle, profound and potent system of healing that allows each individual to have their own personal experience of healing.

The STT energy alone is a foundation upon which you heal and change.

In fact, just by reading these words, the STT frequency is initiating the healing singularity.

Together, we build upon the STT healing from the previous day to create potently new, habit-changing paradigms of healing that allow you to claim your power day by day.

By committing and showing up each day, you are starting an evolutionary change at the soul level... letting in all that you've been asking for.

So, if you think you "don't have time," consider this: it's only 30 minutes each day and, in the scope of your life, 21 days is a blink.

This particular blink, however, will be remembered forever as the thing that truly moved you into your power.

AND even if you decide not to do 21 days in a row... it's OK.

You get to access this library of healing at your leisure, being intuitively guided to the exact healing session that will serve you in the moment.

Know that you are also part of a community of like-minded power-souls, ready to access and unwind your power together.

This soul group has contributed to the opening of this evolutionary quantum field, healing into a new habit of love, health, wholeness and compassion.

You are part of this community and contribution (you will see what I mean when you start to listen and experience the guided healings).

Imagine who you will be after just one or two sessions.

Imagine who you might be after 21 days of our 30-minute Power Healings.

Today is your chance to DOWNLOAD AND OWN this amazing transformational series. I am certain you will be SOOOO happy you invested in your transformation at this level.
Your Value...
If I were to deliver this  healing program in my normal way, as a healing workshop product, you would be investing approximately $1000 retail.

I have offered products similar to this at a retail investment of $2,500.

To work 1-1 with me is $1000 a month.

Yet on this page is a HUGE opportunity.

On this page is your chance to OWN and DOWNLOAD this sacred healing program.

The investment offered below represents an  88% discount and will allow you to OWN and DOWNLOAD these powerful audios.
You Will Be Able To Download & Own Your Healing NOW...
Simply click on the button below...
Retail Investment WAS... $1000
Now Yours To Download For...
I Am Here For You...
I am so looking forward to supporting you in realizing your field of POWER.

I’m thrilled you've been called to this.

In fact, you have actually called this through me to you.

I am here for you to actualize and see your own power.

Let’s dance into a new mode of potentiality that will create a new paradigm of what is possible for us in the field of love... for you and the planet.

Here's to your magnificent mastery,
About Jennifer McLean:
For 25 years, Jennifer McLean has served as a spiritual catalyst and healing facilitator, guiding thousands to transmute their deepest fears, blocks, and old beliefs into new levels of alignment, growth, health, wholeness and abundance.

An energetic healer, trained in various modalities, she combines her intuitive gifts of emotional and spiritual discernment with the knowledge and wisdom of life's varying experiences to lovingly identify and compassionately release the stories and events that have kept you from living a magnificent life.

One of her favorite methods for facilitating your healing is her acclaimed Spontaneous Transformation Technique, an innovative, proven technique that helps you shift withheld energy in the body to successfully liberate yourself from various ailments and heartaches. With hundreds of certified practitioners of this popular technique, it is quickly reaching more and more to accelerate healing and elegantly resolve old beliefs and patterns. 

Plus Jennifer also delivers an expansive repertoire of sound vibration Soul Songs containing unique tonal sound vibrations that initiate and promote profound, multi-layered healing.
You Will Be Able To Download & Own Your Healing NOW...
Simply click on the button below...
Retail Investment WAS... $1000
Now Yours To Download For...
© 2007-2016 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by McLean MasterWorks, 
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660 - 847-386-1464 - Customer Support

The information provided through this program is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.